Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter with Nate!

 Our good friend, Nate, who works at the NTM centre in Goroka in Supply and now a short time at the guesthouse, came to visit us for a week over the long Easter weekend. It was a great time together! We enjoyed pineapple and stick bread over the fire with friends.

 Stephanie and the kids and I enjoy our yummy campfire food.


 Playing Baseball catch with Dad during our long Easter weekend.

 Scaling fish for grilling preparation ... Nate is also a chef and we worked together at Interface many years ago.

Ready for the grill.

 The kids loved having Nate here to play with them and read to them!

 We had a trip to WOM beach too! Our last trip with Miss Hope, our co-worker who will return home to work and soon retire from ministry. We will miss her!

 Jonathan and Naomi slept on the way home from WOM beach.

 Naomi learning the fun of phone games from Nate. :)

 Easter sunrise service... very nice! Jacob and I attended while Nate took care of Naomi and Jonathan when they woke up and made them breakfast. :)

 The beauty of Easter Morning!

 Easter Dinner... Yum! Ham, Cheesey Mashed pototoes, veggie and apple pie!

 All Natural Apple pie sweetened with apple juice concentrate! So good!

 While Nate was visiting he had fun with the kids one evening so we could go out to eat! So very fun for us too!!

And delicious!

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About Me

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Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!