Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Random PNG life

Jacob went to Port Moresby for 5 days to drop off the security dog he trained for the NTM center. He was also able to help out Nate, our good friend, as he has a lot of work piling up there.

And Jacob brought back a lot of goodies that Nate had been saving for us.... coconut sugar and gluten free, sugar free cookies... which we can't get any of here in Goroka!
Anyone interested in buying a PNG bilum?

Anyone interested in buying a PNG Coffee bag bilum?

"Hey mom, look, don't we look funny with just our heads popping up?"

Naomi took care of Bear for 2 nights. He is the 1st grade bear and each student takes her home to look after and write a journal about the Bear's day.

I love it when I find big beautiful avocadoes!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Guesthouse fun!


Enjoying dinner with friends at the guesthouse.

Working together to learn how to use a new Instant Pot to make rice pudding.

Meeting with some of our Guesthouse staff.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Visit to our old Stomping Ground


Heading out to the old Interface campus... to visit friends and show another family the beauty we got to live in for many years!

It was great to see some old friends!

Esta loved Naomi!

This is Momore. Some of you gave us money for him to go buy new teeth about 12 years ago. He is still smiling and enjoying life!

It was great to see Fred again. He used to do so much for us when we lived there. It is amazing how God uses so many people to accomplish his work!

My old house...

The old dining hall

The kitchen where I cooked many many yummy meals... spent a lot of time here!

The workshop was turned into a classroom. Glad that God is now using this place to train teachers for PNG.

Standing in front of my old house, where Jacob and I hung out a lot with many friends!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Never tired of play


Jonathan used to ride this little bike all over the place for hours a day when he was 3 and 4 years old. Now we get to lend it to other little ones around our centre.

Twin day... Miyah and Naomi - Naomi is missing Miyah who just went home for a year home assignment with her family.

Twin Day - Ty and Jonathan will also miss each other very soon, as his family also goes on Home Assignment too.

Naomi, Naomi and Nathan... friends are so fun to play with!

Tom always has the biggest and most interesting toys!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Water System and Wood Working by Jacob


High tech new water system panel installed by our technician Norbert.

Low tech labelling system done by your local maintenance guy, which is me.

Toy shelves installed in the back of the beautiful fireplace by me. For handy secret toy storage fun!

beautiful fireplace built by high school shop teacher dib hampton
This table saw was not usable for the maintenance department so they gave it away to Jacob. Jacob took it completely apart and then rebuilt it. Now it runs almost as good as it did back in the 90's.

This jointer sat down in the shop for years broken and without a motor. Jacob saw a corn husker on sale at the local department store, and bought it. Then after installing the nice blue motor from the corn husker into the jointer, and with a lot of elbow grease, this jointer is running almost as well as it used to in the 1980's! Although it took a little research to get the one way two capacitor corn husker motor to run in reverse!



We enjoyed a relaxing Easter weekend remembering all God has done for us. After a very busy March getting ready for Lapilo Day... movies, Easter Egg decorating, Trip to the pool, helping out in nursery, campfire and catching up on my blog and emails updates has been great!

Serious business, this egg decorating! 


Final product!

About Me

My photo
Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!