Saturday, February 2, 2019

Naomi's broken leg...

 Naomi had a few x-rays of her leg.

 The first x-ray didn't show a break. But the doctor said that Naomi could have a "toddler fracture", which meant it wouldn't show up on the x-ray until 10 days after the injury. So we waited around for a week in Goroka until the next x-ray.

 And sure enough, there was a break in her leg. She didn't walk for 1 week and when she started to walk she had a lot of pain and wouldn't want to walk unless she had a lot of pain medicine.

 The Doctors put a cast on her leg for 2 weeks. Poor little girl wasn't happy so they had to put her to sleep to put the cast on.

 But Naomi still kept playing!

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Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!