Saturday, April 25, 2009

Moving back to Interface after more Tribal fighting...

Just after the January Interface team left, the tribal fighting broke out near us once again. This was the third time in one year. I was quite discouraging. Once again God gave us wisdom and strength as He guided us to move to the NTM Center close by. We lived there for one week wondering what would happen next... would we hold the Critical Incident Workshop at the NTM Center or at Interface? The fighting continued so we held it at the NTM Center. But it was a lot less work then having an Interface Program at the NTM Center. The missionaries on base helped us cook for the main meal each day. We didn't have time to move out our stove and equipment for a 6 day workshop. So we settled into life at Lapilo once again as we cooked for the workshop. And shortly after the workshop ended, the fighting did as well. So we loaded the truck, once again, with all our stuff and headed back to Interface!! That is why Nicky and I are so happy in this photo!! Since then may prayers have been answered as the Bena Beleivers now are very excited to do an outreach to one group that is a part of the fighting!! And this group is so excited to hear about God's talk!! Please pray!!

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About Me

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Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!