Friday, May 21, 2021

Covid Forces Home Schooling & Online Learning for One month!


We definitely had a different type of homeschool this time living on a lake and pool! Jonathan watched his Poppie and learned how to clean out and fill up a pool for the summer season! 😀

Jonathan did a lot of Art via Youtube tutorials of how to draw... this one was pretty cool... a card for Dad's birthday!

He also had physical challenges via Youtube.

Naomi had a few science projects too, watch the water travel and form new colors! 

Also, they learned how to put together a dock!

They are expert block builders!

How to make granola bars! Yum!

And they got to see their classmates on Zoom two times a week!


ABC Mouse!

Finding things that begin with the letters on the mat!

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About Me

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Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!