Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Forts, Tree Climbing, Games, Parties, Rocks and Slime

In the last couple of months our kids along with our neighbors kids have been very creative in making forts out of trees, branches, rocks, etc.

Plus they enjoy climbing trees... this is a guava tree.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Chicken Nuggets, old Friends and new meri blouses

We found new meri blouses for PNG Independence day!

And then it was time to squish mom, because they were showing me how big they both are now!

Enjoying coconut by the campfire.

My first attempt at GF Chicken nuggets, thanks to a friends recipe!

They were a hit!!

My friend, Piku, visited with her daughter Beth. 

And they are selling bilums, anyone interested?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Gutter repair, Cupboards and Dog Training

Jacob was happy to have Jan here to help, an Interface Intern. They put up the gutter on the front of the guesthouse. Jacob took this gutter off many months ago, and since there were so many different projects that came up, he didn't have a chance to get it up until now!

Jacob just started training this dog yesterday after a trip to the Wycliffe centre to pick it up. He is very encouraged by the dog's easy temperament and is looking forward to training it after a rough dog training experience at the beginning of the year. After Jacob trained both puppies they went to their new homes and soon after they passed away. 

Jacob has also been busy finishing up a new cupboard in a guesthouse apartment and repairing a shower. I will post a finished cupboard photo in the near future. :) And of course there is always the work of monitoring the water system, fixing things that I break around our house and guesthouse and getting his workshop up and running, by fixing many broken tools around the centre.

Finishing the wood first before the cupboard is put together.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Visit with Bena friends

I've been down this road a thousand times, just not so much in the last 11 years. A familiar sight is now changing with trenches on the side to wash away the plethoric amount of water when it rains. I even hear that after these are finished, they will put cement on the road to pave it!


Coming up on the old Interface campus.

Now transformed into a Teachers College. We went to visit because we were invited to be a part of a SingSing (celebration) as the member of parliament was due to arrive to give the school its registration papers. After 7 years of teaching students, everyone is excited for them to finally get their papers. And now many many students can graduate officially!

They built a grand stand to welcome the member of parliament. 

Jacob and I lived on the left side of this duplex when we first got married.

This used to be the workshop. Now it is turned into classrooms. But it is the same in so many ways. 

This is the cabin where my roommate Julie and I lived when I first came to PNG many years ago.

The old classroom building.

We enjoyed taking our friends and neighbors around to see the campus... this is in front of the dining hall.

Efeke and Fred... Efeke worked in the kitchen with me. Fred was my produce buyer and would go to town to help me buy all I needed to cook for the students/conference.

Morome - always a fun guy in the village

Janet - one of the first believers

Esta, also worked at Interface

Kesi, on the left, used to work in the kitchen with me.

Suzanne also worked in the kitchen.

Kotile worked security for our campus.

Loli, also a kitchen worker

A Cassowary 

The girls found some puppies sleeping.

Papaya tree on the left.

They are hard at work building the drainage for the road

I will never get tired of the views here!

About Me

My photo
Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!